South England Conference Camp Meeting

News August 14, 2012

On June 9, 2008, an estimated crowd of about 1,500 Seventh-day Adventists began to congregate on the Pontins seaside property in Prestatyn, North Wales, Great Britain.  The event which ran until June 15 was South England Conference’s camp meeting 2008.  The location of the camp site was excellent, with a shoreline that provided a natural setting for prayer every morning at 6:00 a.m.

The theme for the camp meeting was “Signs of Hope” and several speakers came from both America and Britain to address the theme from different perspectives in plenary and break out sessions.  It was my privilege to lead out in the Bible Study sessions every morning for about an hour.  My four presentations began on Tuesday with the idea that the very hopelessness which surrounds the world today is a sign of hope for those who have a biblical outlook on the signs of the times.  From Wednesday through Friday I surveyed salvation history, beginning with the fall in Eden and ending with a quick overview of Revelation 12-14 to provide the context for the hope that lies ahead of us as we anticipate the Second Coming of Christ.  I concluded my assignment on Sabbath, June 14, by leading out in a joint study of the Sabbath School Lesson on the power of the resurrection of Christ.  It was truly a refreshing time, but like all good things do, the meetings had to come to an end, but I have no doubts that memories of the fellowship will linger on.