Angola and Madagascar Ministers Meeting
From July 2-10, 2008, a group of Adventist theologians from America, among them Drs. Ekkehardt Muell…
Biblical Research Institute Committee
More than 30 members of the Biblical Research Committee met in the Faculty Reading Room of the Loma&…
A Short Visit to Colombia, South America
Colombia with more than 40 million inhabitants has 280,000 Seventh-day Adventists. Fr…
Soteriology Seminar in Bulgaria
Ángel M. Rodríguez, director of the BRI with associate director Clinton Wahlen, taught a seminar in…
Faith and Science Council
About 25 Adventist Bible scholars and scientists of the Faith and Science Council of…
North Bavarian Conference
At the beginning of June, about twenty ministers and administrators of the North…
South England Conference Camp Meeting
On June 9, 2008, an estimated crowd of about 1,500 Seventh-day Adventists began to co…
Summer School – Baraton, Kenya
From July 27 to August 15, 2008, eighty-five pastors and administrators from 10 diffe…
West Indies Union Workers Meeting – Montego Bay, Jamaica
From August 11 to August 13, the West Indies Union conducted a wonderful Un…
Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division Biblical Research Institute Committee
The Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division Biblical Research Institute Committee met on October 31, 2…
2nd Theological Symposium in Montemorelos University
Hundreds of administrators, theologians, and pastors considered the topic of “The Prophecies o…
VIII Theological Symposium iin the South American Division
In July 2009, the VIII Theological Symposium of the South American Division took place in Brazil. Th…
Asia-Pacific Division Bible Land Tour
During the month of March, thirty-five Seventh-day Adventists from the Asia-Paci…
Bible Symposium in Poland
Dr. J. Moskala (Andrews University) and Dr. E. Mueller (BRI) were invited to be the lectur…
Book of Daniel Symposium in Peru
More than 1000 people attended a symposium on the book of Daniel, held on the campus of Universidad…
Bulgarian Union Eschatology Course
From August 30 to September 3, 2009, about 70 ministers of the Bulgarian Union met at…
Conference Held for the Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD) on Ministerial and Theological Education
Three BRI representatives made a total of eight presentations dealing with issues of Hermeneuti…
Course Taught at Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies (AIIAS) from June 15 – July 2, 2009
“Issues in SDA Theology” was the course Gerhard Pfandl taught at the Adventist Intern…
Bible Symposium in the Netherlands
On January 24th and 25th of 2009, a Bible Symposium dealing with the interpretation of bib…
Dominican Adventist University Bible Conference
From May 7-9, 2009, all five scholar of the Biblical Research Institute participated in a…
European Theology Teachers’ Conference
More than sixty theologians from the three European Divisions participated in the European…
Newfoundland Camp Meeting
The Newfoundland camp meeting was held July 20-25, 2009, at Woody Acres Camp located…
South German Union Bible Conference
The South German Union in conjunction with its conferences organized a meeting for al…
Theological Forum at the Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies (AIIAS) in the Philippines
About 160-180 theologians, teachers and students participated in the 12th AIIAS Theological For…
“Celebration of Creation” held at Pacific Adventist University in Papua New Guinea and at Avondale College in Australia
“Celebration of Creation” was the topic of a joined program of the Biblical Research Institute…
Doctrine of God and Homosexuality Meetings Held in San Salvador, El Salvador
In February 2011, a number of meetings focusing on the Doctrine of God, especially the Trinity, and…
General Conference treasury team and world divisions treasurers traveled to Israel
The treasury team of the General Conference and the treasurers of the world divisions of the Seventh…
Zambia Union
The Zambia Union with 600,000 members is the largest union in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. …
Alberta Conference Ministerial Retreat
Early in January 2010 the Alberta Conference held its ministerial retreat at their Fo…
Bible-week Retreat for Ministers and Church Members Taught at Seminar Schloss Bogenhofen in Austria
In July 2010, Seminar Schloss Bogenhofen near Braunau in Austria held its yearly…
Class on “Issues in SDA Theology” Taught at the Theological Seminary in Cernica, Romania
During March 2010, twenty-six MA students from the Theological Seminary in Cerni…
Inter-American Division administrators, theology teachers, pastors and lay evangelists traveled to Egypt, Jordan and Israel
From February 15-March 1, 2010, more than 200 administrators, theology teachers, past…
Pastoral Council of the Central Brazil Union
A unique seminar took place in the Central Brazil Union in August 2010. The Union had invi…
A Seminar on Revelation in Peru
The Ellen White Research Center of the Peruvian Union University had invited to a wee…
Scholars visited Spicer Memorial College in Pune, India; and the Peninsular Malaysia Mission near Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia
In August, Ángel Rodríguez, Kwabena Donkor and Clinton Wahlen visited Spicer Memorial College in Pun…
Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division Summer Program for their Pastors
In December 2010, seventy-three pastors from 9 countries of the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Divisio…
Symposium on Revelation held at the Baden-Wüttemberg Conference, Germany
December 10-12, 2010, the Baden-Württemberg Conference, Germany, convened a symposium…
Visit to Solusi University in Zimbabwe
On a recent visit to Solusi University in Zimbabwe, Dr. Gerhard Pfandl spoke to church members and s…
Inter-American Division Biblical Research Committee held September 23, 2010 in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
On September 23, 2010, Ángel Manuel Rodríguez and Clinton Wahlen attended the In…
74 Students from the West-Central African Division attend course on Issues in SDA Theology
“Issues in SDA Theology” was the course Gerhard Pfandl taught for the Adventist University…
Bangkok Bible Conference held at the Thailand Mission office
From March 17-19, 2011, Ganoune Diop, director of the Global Mission Study Centers, and &n…
Bible Conference held at the Penang Adventist Hospital
From March 14-16, 2011, Ganoune Diop, director of the Global Mission S…
Biblical Research Institute Committee
About 40 scholars and administrators attended the Biblical Research Institute Committee on October 1…
Book of Revelation Course Taught in Romania
In January 2011, Ekkehardt Mueller spent two weeks in Romania, mainly teaching 35 graduate students…
Inter-American Division’s First Theological Symposium
The first theological symposium in the Inter-American Division took place from October 20-22, 2011,…
Origins Summit in Portland, Oregon
The March 2011 Origins Summit occurred in two stages. The first two da…
South American Division 9th Biblical-Theological Symposium
The 9th Biblical-Theological Symposium of the South American Division of Seventh-day Adventists took…
Symposium at Union College
“Hermeneutics and Prophetic Interpretation” was the general topic of the sy…
Theological Symposium held at Linda Vista University in Chiapa, Mexico
The beautiful campus of Linda Vista University in the province of Chiapa in Mexico was the site of t…
Courses on “The Writings of Ellen White” and “The Sanctuary Doctrine” taught at the Romanian Adventist Seminary
The Romanian Adventist Seminary in Cernica offers a MA program in English. Thirty-thr…
International Bible and Mission Conference held in Botswana
All of the pastors and some church elders participated in the International Bible and Mission Confer…
Issues in Contemporary Adventist Theology taught at the Peruvian Union University in Lima, Peru
Clinton Wahlen was at the Peruvian Union University in Lima, Peru from February 8 to 19 te…
Theological Trends in the Seventh-day Adventist Church Seminar held at the West Panama Conference
Gerhard Pfandl, associate director of the Biblical Research Institute, was invited to visit the West…
Bible and Mission Conference held in Prague
More than 300 ministers from Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, and Switzerland attende…
Euro-Africa Division’s Biblical Research Committee
The Biblical Research Committee of the Euro-Africa Division had its second meeting this year at the…
International Bible Conference held in East-Central Africa Division
BRI and the East-Central Africa Division (EAD) held an International Bible Conference in the campus…
West-Central Africa Division Biblical Research Committee
The Biblical Research Committee of the West-Central Africa Division met for its first time in Novemb…
Bible Conference held in Hyderabad, India
From the 18th to the 21st of February, one of the 2013 Bible Conferences for pastors organ…
Bible Conference Held in Asia
From the 5th to the 15th of March, 2013, the BRI with the support of the Northern Asia-Pac…
Bible Conferences in the Philippines
Gerhard Pfandl, associate director of the Biblical Research Institute (part-time), led a team of sch…
Biblical Theological Symposium in Chile
Ekkehardt Mueller and Elias Brasil de Souza have represented BRI in the X South American Biblical Th…
Biblical Research Committee of the West-Central Africa Division
The BRC of WAD met for the third time to discuss the theology of ordination in order to be able to p…
Bible Conference held in Almaty, Kazakhstan
BRI with the support of the Euro Asia Division held a Bible Conference in the city of Almaty, Kazakh…
West Indonesian Union Mission and Bible Conference Held in Lembang, Java
More than 500 ministers and administrators attended the Mission and Bible conference of the West Ind…
Bible Conference held in South Brazil
On August 2, 2014, Ekkehardt Mueller and Elias Brasil de Souza were guest speakers for the Bible Con…
Ministerial Council held in Central Brazil Union
On February 1-5, 2015, Artur Stele, Ekkehardt Mueller, and Ángel Manuel Rodríguez were guest speaker…
Bible Conference held in Chilean Union
In the second part of January 2015, four of the Conferences/Missions of the Chilean Union held confe…
Bible Conference held in Southern Asia Division
At the end of March and beginning of April 2015 a Division wide Bible Conference for pastors of the…
Japan Union Bible Conference
Japan has a population of 120 million, 13,000 of whom are Adventists. From January 25-28,&…
International Bible and Mission Conference held in Sofia, Bulgaria
From May 29–31, 2017 BRI was involved in the International Bible and Mission Conference held in Sofi…
Second International Conference on Adventist Theology and Mission in Africa Held at the Adventist University of Africa, Nairobi, Kenya
From August 30 to September 2, 2017, members of BRI participated in the 2nd International Conference…
Nossos libros em Português
Marriage Vol. 1 – Portuguese Edition Casamento – Princípios Bíblicos e Teológicos (Portuguese Edition),-principios-biblicos-e-teologicos Release…
Nuestros libros en Español
What are humans that you remember them? “¿Qué es el hombre…?” Gema Editores IADPA Toward a Theology of the Remnant: An Adventist Ecclesiological Perspective El remanente: el enfoque adventista G…