Problems in Bible Translations
We are pleased to share with the reader a volume published in 1954 containing the result of the work of a Committee on Bible Translations, set up by the General Conference in 1953.
Read MoreA Symposium on Biblical Hermeneutics
We are please to share with you a volume prepared by the Biblical Research Institute dealing with revelation, inspiration and biblical interpretation. It is a collection of essays written by different Adventist thinkers and theologians. Although it was published in 1974, the content of this volume is still valuable to the church and particularly to…
Read MoreSymposium on the Role of Women in the Church
This is the first volume we offer to our readers on a topic of interest to the world church. The introduction to the volume provides its historical background and purpose. Each chapter was written by an Adventist scholar and represents excellent scholarship.
Read MoreBiblical Interpretation Today
Biblical interpretation in our postmodern context is anything but stable. Contemporary approaches to understanding the Bible, however, have their roots in critical methods of interpretation that were developed in the modern period, using principles of the Enlightenment.
Read MoreVol. 1 Selected Studies on Prophetic Interpretation
A careful examination of judgment in the Old Testament, the identification fo the little horn power, the year/day principle, and October 22, 1844, as the antitypical Day of Atonement. 174 pp.
Read MoreCome Boldly to the Throne
This publication deals with the topic of the sanctuary ini the Letter to the Hebrews.
Read MoreDaniel: The Seer of Babylon
In this new commentary by biblical scholar Gerhard Pfandl, the author sets us down in once-mighty Babylon, with its 53 temples and 955 smaller sanctuaries. We survey the ruins of the large (170' x 56') banquet hall of Belshazzar and the remains of Nebuchadnezzar's statue on the plain of Dura. But more important, Pfandl provides…
Read MoreThird International Bible Conference Tour Book
The land of Israel (Eretz Yisrael) lies on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea. It extends for 260 miles (418 km) from north to south, and between 12 and 72 miles (19 and 115 km) from east to west. With 8,020 square miles (20,771 km2 ) it is about half the size of Switzerland.
Read MoreWorthwhile Reading on the Creation-Evolution Debate
A number of helpful books on creation, from both Adventist and non-Adventist authors, are summarized and reviewed, including the updated edition of Harold Coffin’s Origin by Design, Faith, Reason and Earth History by Leonard Brand, and Creation, Catastrophe and Calvary, edited by John Templeton Baldwin.
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