Romans 5:12
Romans 5:12 seems to say that we die because of Adam's sin and also because of our individual sinning. Is that what the passage is saying?
Read MoreAn Act of Worship
I am exploring several issues related to worship. Where your views on the biblical understanding of kneeling to pray? Why is this important?
Read MoreReinventing Ancient Rituals?
Some church members where I live are teaching that it is necessary for Christians to observe Israelite festivals. Is this a biblical requirement?
Read More2 Corinthians 3:6
Please explain the reference to the law as the "letter" in 2 Corinthians 3:6.
Read MoreJob 2:9
Did Job’s wife say to him, “Curse God, and die” (Job 2:9)? Recently I was informed that the original text reads “Bless God, and die.” Which one is right?
Read MoreJob 41:1
In Job 41 God asks Job a series of questions about Leviathan. What kind of creature is it?
Read MoreJohn 20:23
What did Jesus have in mind when, according to John 20:23, He gave His disciples authority to forgive sins?
Read MoreHebrews 7:3
Who is Melchizedek? He is described as "without father or mother, without genealogy, without beginning of days or end of life" (Heb. 7:3, [NIV]). Does that make him a divine being?
Read MoreRevelation 22:14
Is there a conspiracy among Bible translators to change the biblical text? I didn't think so until I read Revelation 22:14. More recent translations read "Blessed are those who wash their robes" instead of "Blessed are those who keep the commandments." What do you think about these changes?
Read MoreRomans 5:18
Please explain Romans 5:18. It seems to say that every human being will ultimately be justified by Christ and that no one will be lost.
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