Revelation 12:7-12
Is Revelation 12:7-12 describing a battle that took place in heaven? Or one that took place on the cross when by His death Christ defeated Satan and his angels?
Read MoreIdols, Old and New
My question is about idolatry and the Israelites. The Lord did so many great things for them, but most of the time they worshiped other gods. Why would they do that? Your question is a good one.
Read MoreThe Place for Applause
In my local church, clapping during the worship service is very common. Is there any biblical support for this practice? Clapping during church services is becoming more and more popular in many of our churches, so your church is not unique in this respect. Clapping is mentioned in the Bible as an expression of social…
Read MoreGenesis 5:22
There is in Genesis 5: 22 a phrase I like very much: "Enoch walked with God." Would you tell me, in practical terms, the meaning of that phrase?
Read MoreJeremiah 7:18
I found in Jeremiah 7:18 a reference to a goddess named the "queen of heaven." Who was she? This goddess is also mentioned in Jeremiah 44:17-19, and 25. In our attempt to identify this pagan deity we should begin with the biblical references. In this particular case, the texts provide good, although limited, information.
Read MoreTo whom should I give my tithe?
Some church members have been telling me that I should give my tithe to persons who will use it correctly, even if they are not ministers of the church. Is there some biblical evidence I can use to oppose this teaching?
Read More2 Timothy 3:16
There's much discussion on my university campus about the inspiration of the Bible. Some say that the word "inspiration" isn't biblical. Is this true? Is the English translation of 2 Timothy 3:16 correct?
Read MorePredestination and Human Freedom
Is it true that the New Testament teaches that some individuals are predestined for salvation and others for eternal perdition?
Read MoreSurviving the Second Death
It's impossible for us to understand fully what the second death entails, because the only one who went through it and came back was Jesus. Therefore, we must carefully approach this subject, beginning by examining the passages in which the phrase "second death" is used and then exploring Jesus' experience.
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