Genesis 6:1-4

Genesis 6:1-4

I've been reading some commentaries on Genesis 6:1-4, and almost all of them interpret the expression "son of God" as a reference to divine beings or angels. What is a proper understanding of this biblical text?

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What Is the New Birth?

What is the new birth that Jesus spoke about in John 3? The new birth belongs to a number of biblical mysteries too deep for us to understand fully. Obviously, in this case, what is of real value is experiencing it. Nevertheless, understanding as much about it as we can is also useful.

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Counting Commandments

Why does the list of the Ten Commandments published in Jewish writings differ from the common biblical one? There also seems to be a disagreement among some Christian denominations on how to identify them. There is general agreement on the fact that there are 10 commandments, because in Deuteronomy 4:13 they are called “the ten

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Esther 9:11-16

I have always had difficulties reading the book of Esther and understanding why the Jews, under the leadership of Esther and Mordecai, had to massacre so many people. They seemed to have been controlled by a spirit of hatred and vengeance. Am I reading the story properly?

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1 Samuel 28:3-19

I find the story of Saul and the medium of En-dor intriguing and challenging. What kind of divination was done and how were the dead consulted in the ancient world?

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The Difference Between “Laws” and “The Law”

I understand that "law" in the Old Testament designates God's revealed will in general. How can we distinguish between the Ten Commandments and the other Old Testament legislations?

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Revelation 14:7

Revelation 14:7 calls the human race to "fear God," but I'm not sure I understand that phrase. What does it mean to fear God? And how do I know that I fear Him?

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Leviticus 11

Is the law of unclean animals still valid? It appears to me that it is simply another Israelite ceremonial law. Several Adventist scholars have recently studied the law of unclean/clean animals with some interesting conclusions.

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Revelation 13:13

Revelation 13:13 states that the false prophet "works great signs, even making fire come down from heaven to earth."* What does that mean?

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1 Timothy 4:10

I recently heard a preacher quoting 1 Timothy 4:10 to argue that on the cross Christ saved the human race, but that those who will actually be saved are those who do not reject that salvation. Is that what the text is saying?

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