Reflections on the Doctrine of the Trinity

Reflections on the Doctrine of the Trinity

Explores why the coming of Jesus affects our understanding of God's nature as revealed in the Scriptures.

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Does God Destroy?*

Answers the claim that sin self-destructs without God's intervention.

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Does God Get Angry?

How does this relate to God's character? By the time of Christ some philosophers had come to the conclusion that God, in His absolute perfection, is not subject to human passions and emotions. He knows no distress, excitement, love, or anger. Philo, a Hellenistic Jew who lived at the same time as Christ, wrote: "Some…

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The Wrath of God

How can God's wrath be reconciled with His love? Can you recall the last time you preached on the wrath of God? Probably not. But most likely you will have no difficulty remembering your last sermon on God's love. How come? Is the wrath of God something incompatible with the Christian doctrine of God?

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The Trinity in Scripture

What kind of scriptural evidence do we have on the nature of God, specifically the Trinity? The author explores the biblical teaching on this topic.

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How Should We Address God?

The author responds to the claim that we should address God the Father and Jesus only by their Hebrew names Yahweh and Yeshua (Yahshua).

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God as Commander in Chief

This is a difficult question, and there is no quick answer. I can only outline a few elements that should be taken into consideration. We cannot concentrate on a few verses that provide a biblical response; we have to take into account the Scriptures' teachings concerning God, evil, human society, and war and also reject…

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The Doctrine of the Trinity Among Adventists

Is it true early Adventists opposed the idea of the Trinity? How has our current understanding developed? A historical review of the facts.

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God revelation in nature

Could you give some biblical passages showing that God reveals Himself in nature?

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What is the wrath of God?

Nobody wants to be an object of wrath, much less of God's wrath. I understand why people feel uneasy about the subject. Because of the moral and spiritual condition of the human race we all deserve and are by nature objects of God's wrath (Eph. 2:3).

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