The Beast of Revelation 17–A Suggestion

The Beast of Revelation 17–A Suggestion

Rev 17 is one of the most difficult chapters of the Bible. This article concentrates on the identification of the beast and its relation to the harlot.

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Time Prophecies in Daniel 12

In recent years a number of Seventh-day Adventists have begun to apply the time prophecies in Daniel 12:5-13 to the future.1 Rejecting the traditional Adventist understanding, which places the 3 2 times, the 1290 and 1335 days as prophetic times in the past, they claim these time periods are to be understood as literal days still to come.

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Current Events: Recent Resurgence of Catholicism

Recent developments in the religious world point to the resurgence of Catholicism.

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Prophets, True and False

It is good to look at a Bible topic such as this in order to realize how little we can say about it. The Old Testament highlights the constant conflict between false prophets and the prophets of the Lord. Distinguishing between them in the past was difficult, but it had to be done. The Israelites…

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The 1260 Days in the Book of Revelation

In Revelation a time period of 1260 days occurs. It is also described as three and a half years and 42 months. How should it be understood?

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Signs of the Times

Humans are interested in the future. They must plan ahead. So they check weather predictions. Economists must guess what future developments could bring about so that correct choices can be made today. How should money be invested? Futurology has become an important tool. Since people are interested in their own future as well as that…

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The Year-Day Principle

Unitl the 19th century the year-day principle was used by most students of the apocalyptic books Daniel and Revelation. What is the Biblical foundation for the year-day principle?

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Interpreting the Symbols

In some cases this has not been difficult; but in others, much more so. It is important to be aware of the limitations and risks involved in interpreting those symbols. We must begin by establishing a proper method of interpretation, then discuss how to use it.

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The Abomination That Causes Desolation

The article looks at the phrase "The abomination that causes desolation" that can be found in Daniel. It deals with a desecration of the worship of God by setting up a new form of worship.

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1843 Chart and the 2520 Years

This article explains why the figure 2520 found on the Millerite chart of 1843 is not a prophetic number.

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