Change of the Calendar

Change of the Calendar

Did it interrupt the cycle of the Sabbath and Sunday or not? Letters from the London's Royal Observatory and the U. S. Government Naval Observatory in Washington address this question from astronomers' perspective.

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A Reply to “What do the Scriptures say about the Sabbath?”

A careful review and reply to the arguments on which the worldwide Church of God based its abandonment of the Seventh-day Sabbath.

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Eating in restaurants on Sabbath

Some members in my church believe it is appropriate to eat at restaurants during the Sabbath. I'm not sure how to react. Is there any guidance from the Bible?

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When Does the Sabbath Begin?

Sunset, midnight, morning? A brief visit with the principal texts dealing with this question and a notation about Jewish practice in NT times.

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The Biblical Sabbath: The Adventist Perspective

A study of the biblical foundation of the Seventh-day Sabbath and its perpetuity. The paper also investigates and explains several controversial texts in regard to the Sabbath.

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What About a Lunar Sabbath?

I’ve been told that the biblical Sabbath was a lunar Sabbath fixed by the moon, rather than a specific day of the week independent of the moon or the sun. What do you think?

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Stewardship of Time

People today have a problem with time. One hundred and fifty years ago, if a merchant from Chicago had to do business in New York, he may have had to spend an entire week, because it took him so long to get to New York and back again. Today he takes an airplane and arrives…

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Is the Sabbath Part of the “New Covenant”?

Old Testament laws can be divided into moral, civil, ceremonial, and health laws. Of these the moral and health laws continue to be valid under the new covenant. Thus rather than doing away with seventh-day Sabbath, the “new covenant” restores the heart of true Sabbath observance.

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The Sabbath: God’s Anti-Stress Program

Stress is a serious matter. Although some stress may be healthy, too much is dangerous and, in some cases, even fatal. Stress is caused by an overdose of stimulation, a hectic life, traffic in large cities, noise, overload at home, at work, in school or in the personal sphere, etc.

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