Another Look at Adventist Hermeneutics

Another Look at Adventist Hermeneutics

A short review of the standard Adventist approach to biblical interpretation.

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The Authority of the Bible

What about the manuscript sources of the various Bible translations?

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How Long Is Forever?

Biblical examples prevent a superficial reading of "forever" as a timeless concept.

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Some Theological Considerations of Perfection

The truth about perfection in Christian doctrine and experience is that which does justice to the biblical meaning and use of the word. The Bible teaches that the true Christian will grow both in grace and toward the image of our Lord Jesus Christ. He continually hungers and thirsts after righteousness. There is an earnest…

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Analysis of the Doctrine of Universal “Legal” Justification

Was every human 'legally' justified when Jesus died at Calvary?

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Why Did Jesus Die? How God Saves Us

With the end of the first century of the Christian Era and the death of John-the last intimate eyewitness of Christ's ministry-questions previously taken for granted began to surface: Who was Jesus? Why did He come? Why did He die?

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Which Version Can We Trust?[1]

Reviews the history of how the Bible was preserved, concluding with observations on modern English versions.

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Will satan ever acknowledge his sins?

In attempting to answer any biblical question, it is good to find a biblical passage or narrative that could provide an immediate explicit response. In the absence of an explicit passage, one could present a good case by bringing together several texts that linguistically and contextually suggest a probable answer.

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