The Difference Between “Laws” and “The Law”

The Difference Between “Laws” and “The Law”

I understand that "law" in the Old Testament designates God's revealed will in general. How can we distinguish between the Ten Commandments and the other Old Testament legislations?

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Revelation 14:7

Revelation 14:7 calls the human race to "fear God," but I'm not sure I understand that phrase. What does it mean to fear God? And how do I know that I fear Him?

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1 Timothy 2:12

In our local church we've had some discussions on the meaning of the phrase "a woman . . . must be silent" (1 Tim. 2:12, NIV). We are interested in your understanding of this passage.

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Leviticus 11

Is the law of unclean animals still valid? It appears to me that it is simply another Israelite ceremonial law. Several Adventist scholars have recently studied the law of unclean/clean animals with some interesting conclusions.

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Revelation 13:13

Revelation 13:13 states that the false prophet "works great signs, even making fire come down from heaven to earth."* What does that mean?

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Genesis 2:17

What is the meaning of the expression "the knowledge of good and evil" in Genesis 2:s17? This phrase, in the context of the Creation narrative, has been debated among Bible students for centuries, and various interpretations have been given to it.

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Comments on 1 Timothy 4:10

A short but direct analysis of this passage to answer the question: Does this text teach that everyone has been saved by Christ's death who does not directly reject that salvation?

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1 Timothy 4:10

I recently heard a preacher quoting 1 Timothy 4:10 to argue that on the cross Christ saved the human race, but that those who will actually be saved are those who do not reject that salvation. Is that what the text is saying?

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Revelation 12:7-12

Is Revelation 12:7-12 describing a battle that took place in heaven? Or one that took place on the cross when by His death Christ defeated Satan and his angels?

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Genesis 5:22

There is in Genesis 5: 22 a phrase I like very much: "Enoch walked with God." Would you tell me, in practical terms, the meaning of that phrase?

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