What Jesus Told the Thief

What Jesus Told the Thief

The story of the thief on the cross manifests Christ’s willingness to submit to the divine plan for Him and His power to save. While the multitude accused Him of not being able to save Himself, Jesus was ready to save the thief. This was possible because He was unwilling to save Himself. It is…

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Disciples With Swords

Jesus’ address to His disciples sounds a little strange and has been interpreted in different ways. I will provide a brief summary of the passage, a discussion of several views, and a specific reading of the passage.

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Caring for Brothers and Sisters: Matthew 18:15-20

What does Matthew 18 teach us? Should a believer confront a fellow believer involved in some kind of sin?

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Lessons from Matthew 1

The Gospel of Matthew heads the New Testament canon. This prominent placement, rather than being merely a historical accident, witnesses to its foundational significance for Christians. Just as the book of Genesis introduces us to our God and the Creator of all, so this first Gospel introduces us to Jesus Christ, “God with us,” our…

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The Man of Sin

Who is the “man of sin” in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8? The apocalyptic passage of 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8 is so dense that it raises questions for which it is difficult to provide answers. However, when we compare it to the biblical passages that provide its foundation, some elements of the prophecy appear to be clear.

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Worship: The Center of the Three Angel’s Messages — Part 1

The call to worship God is an important element of the first angel's message. The author of this article focuses on the theological relationships among creation, worship, and judgment.

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Lessons from Matthew 2

Matthew 2 continues the presentation of Jesus begun in chapter one, but the focus shifts from Jesus as “the Son of Abraham” (Matt 1:1) to His being “King of the Jews” (Matt 2:2). As we saw in “Lessons from Matthew 1,” David is introduced as “the king” (Matt 1:6) and Jesus is introduced as “the Son of David” (Matt 1:1).

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Worship: The Center of the Three Angels’ Messages — Part 2

This article focuses on God and the rightfulness of His demand for worship as well as the fairness of His judgment on those who engage in false worship.

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The Sealing of Human in Revelation 7:2–3 and 9:4

Are these Texts talking about the same event or do they refer to different sealing processes? The way this is answered determines whether we opt for recapitulation of the seals by the trumpets or for progression.

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One Tree, Two Branches

What is the meaning of the statement “And so all Israel will be saved” (Rom. 11:26)? The phrase has been interpreted in different ways. For some, the reference is to the whole nation of Israel; or the nation as a whole but not each individual; or to all the Jews who are alive in the…

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