Light in the Shadows

Light in the Shadows

A review of the doctrine of the sanctuary with special attention to how the sanctuary relates to Christ and to salvation.

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The Biblical Basis for a Modern Prophet

The prophetic gift rests upon the fundamental need for communication to take place between the Deity and the fallen family of humankind. The occult and the category of false prophets are two systems which have functioned throughout human history to deceive and to mislead the ignorant and the unwary away from genuine communications from God.

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What Prophecy Means to This Church

Why the historicist approach is important for Adventists. What is a Seventh-day Adventist? A common description is that a Seventh-day Adventist is a Christian who observes the seventh-day Sabbath and who is preparing for the Saviour's second coming. That is true, but the perspective is larger.

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Does God Destroy?*

Answers the claim that sin self-destructs without God's intervention.

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Should Christians Observe the Israelite Festivals? A Brief Statement of SDA Understanding

A substantial response to the claim that the Israelite festivals are also for Christians.

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Gospel Finance: Pulling Together

Where should tithe and offerings be given? Does each member have a biblical mandate to choose for himself or herself?

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The Role of Israel

Four authors respond to dispensationalist interpretations of Israel in prophecy.

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For Members Only?

A careful but brief study of what it means to participate in the Lord's Supper and who should partake.

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Futurism’s Countdown: Fact or Fantasy?

Why futurist interpretations of prophecy are inadequate.

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