Principles of Spiritual Growth

Principles of Spiritual Growth

The most important decision in life is the decision to accept Jesus as personal Savior and Lord. With this decision of faith a completely new life begins. For our physical life we need air, food, rest, and exercise in order to develop our capacities, grow, and maintain a healthy life. Principles for growth are also…

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The Beast of Revelation 17–A Suggestion

Rev 17 is one of the most difficult chapters of the Bible. This article concentrates on the identification of the beast and its relation to the harlot.

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Temptation of Jesus (Matthew 4:1)

Does God tempt people to do wrong? A short discussion of Jesus' temptation in the wilderness.

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Submission in the New Testament (Ephesians 5)

Do the Pauline passages relating to husbands and wives provide for mutual submission? Here is a short study examining the issue.

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Death—The Last Enemy

Although some obituaries claim that God has taken a loved one into a better world, others do not reflect any hope. Nevertheless, all of them remind us that one day it will be our turn.

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The Problem of Uncleanness — Mark 7:15-19

Mark 7 has been used to declare that distinctions between clean and unclean food are gone in the NT. What does this passage teach on uncleanness?

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Interpreting the Beast of Revelation 17: A Suggestion

The number 666 found in Rev 13:18 has always intrigued people. For a number of years now, a new suggestion has been circulating which was treated by some as “new light” and seemed to be attractive to a number of church members.

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Husband of One Wife–1 Tim 3:2

How should the phrase "husband of one wife" be understood? Eight different suggestions are listed.

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Immortality and the Soul

“Is death necessary?“, asked biologist G. R. Taylor and stated that in 1968 in the USA alone more than a thousand teams of scientists were working on the issue of growing old and the problem of death. Some people are frozen at their death.

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The Firstborn (Col 1:15)

Jesus is called "the firstborn." What does this term mean? Does it indicate that Jesus had a beginning?

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