Lessons from Matthew 7

Lessons from Matthew 7

In Matthew 7, Jesus continues expounding on the ethics of the kingdom of heaven and includes some wonderful promises. But He also challenges us personally and individually regarding how we relate to God’s law and His teachings.

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Lessons from Matthew 8

Matthew 8 begins a two-chapter sequence of miracle stories in groups of three, organized topically rather than chronologically. In the first group, Jesus cleanses a leper, heals the servant of a centurion, and banishes the fever of Peter’s mother-in-law, followed by a brief summary of further healings that evening (Matt 8:1–17; cf. Mark 1:32–34).

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Lessons from Matthew 9

Matthew 9 concludes the two-chapter sequence of miracle stories. The chapter begins with the healing of the paralytic, but the story is more about forgiveness than healing (Matt 9:1–8).

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Lessons from Matthew 10

As we saw earlier, Matthew 9 concludes with Jesus preaching to large crowds and instructing the disciples to pray earnestly for more laborers to be sent out to gather in the harvest (Matt 9:35–38).

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Evaluation of Egalitarian Papers

The issue of the ordination of women, which is part of a modern trend in society, is currently presenting a challenge to the unity of the Seventh-day Church. Competent theologians and faithful members are found on both sides of the issue.

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Is “Husband of One Wife” in 1 Timothy 3:2 Gender-Specific?

The question posed by the title of this study may seem so straightforward as to be answered quite easily, without the need of a detailed examination. Unless we would redefine these commonly accepted terms so that a “husband” may be female and a wife may be male, most readers of the Bible would naturally answer…

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Is COVID-19 a Sign of the End?

In several places the gospels record Jesus’ Olivet discourse in which He describes events leading up to the destruction of Jerusalem and the signs that will precede His coming (Matt 24; Mark 13; Luke 21; cf. Matt 17:20–37).

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Lessons from Matthew 11

Matthew 11 opens with one of the set phrases used to conclude each of the five major blocks of teaching (cf. Matt 7:28; 13:53; 19:1; 26:1). Jesus has just finished instructing the twelve disciples and sending them out to preach.

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Lessons from Matthew 12

Matthew 12, through miraculous healings and several scenes of conflict, brings to the forefront the issue of Jesus’ identity as the messianic “son of David.”

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Lessons from Matthew 13

Matthew 13 constitutes Jesus’ third major teaching block in this Gospel and lies at the center of the Gospel’s five discourses (the others are Matthew 5–7, 10, 18, and 24–25).

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