Bible Conference held in Southern Asia Division

News May 18, 2015

At the end of March and beginning of April 2015 a Division wide Bible Conference for pastors of the Southern Asia Division of Seventh-day Adventists took place in Hapur, India. This Bible conference as many others was organized by the Biblical Research Institute and the Southern Asia Division. Main lecturers were Dr. J. Moskala, Dr. E. Mueller, Dr. Á. Rodríguez, and Dr. Stele. A variety of topics was presented in order to address the needs of the pastors in this field. They ranged from topics on the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, Last Generation Theology, Daniel 11 to lectures on the Book of Revelation, including the occult/spiritualism in Revelation. There were rich conversations, question and answer periods, and a spirit of harmony. At the end of the formal meetings the Division provided a trip to the Taj Mahal, an unforgettable experience to the pastors, administrators, and lectures. This Bible conference made a difference in the lives of many.